Our Story
Every business starts with an idea/ Where it all started.
Ours began when our Founder first started as a Virtual Assistant herself. Few year later she met a friend who was looking for a job to work from home while she takes care of her child. Through that, she offered a virtual assistant position to her friend.
She trained her friend virtually. Amazingly, they have common work values like; integrity, dedication, commitment, and they also share the same goal – to help in empowering every Filipinos, especially the women, in the virtual industry. Our founder’s dream of establishing a virtual assistant company materialized. A few months later, Leonexus offered intensive training for the First Batch of Virtual Assistants. Since then, more training, workshops, and a series of courses handled by our proficient trainers for Virtual Assistants.
By 2018, we have officially established and built a team of dedicated and reliable Virtual Assistants to help clients from all over the world in providing high-quality services.
Client Testimonials
“Our works is the representation of our capabilities.”
“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” – Napolean Hill
“We create the highest, grandest vision possible for our company, because we become what we believe.”
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock
“We believe fundametal honesty is the keystone of business.”
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